Old Fashioned Sewing Machine With Pedal Where Can I Find A Foot Pedal For An Old Sewing Machine?

Where can I find a foot pedal for an old sewing machine? - old fashioned sewing machine with pedal

I have a colleague Fashion singer of 252, but there are years old pedal was broken (and I do not find it anywhere in my house, we can not fix it ...). Someone knows where I can get a pedal for this model? Or pedal sewing machine working again with this old model?
Please note that I live in Quebec (Canada).


Chicago Q said...

The singer has a number of spare parts, and there where I started. This is a site for singer-Canada with a locator "dealer". Find your nearest dealer and see what he / she says.
I am sure there is a solution - I hope it does not take long for the track. Good luck.

Luv2Sew said...

What is your sewing machine to verify the transaction VAC or a workshop specifically Singers in your area? The workshop will use pieces that I am at the rear of the store. They tend to take on machines for the negotiations and to keep the parts in hand. The shop should be able to command a large pedal comparable if it is available. I know because I have access to large parts, because in my sewing room.

Good luck.

kt000792 said...

hmmm distributor of sewing machines?
or eBay?

help me?
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ...

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