Vegeta And Bulma Doujinishi How Could Vegeta And Bulma In The Dragonball Series Have A Relation Despite Their Differences?

How could Vegeta and Bulma in the Dragonball series have a relation despite their differences? - vegeta and bulma doujinishi

Vegeta and there are public, we all see, and then there's still made the private sector Vegeta Bulma. and the narrator has done an excellent job, because we know that Vegeta deeply she loves and her children, but must receive a picture.


Tealah said...

Vegeta really need someone with your kids or they wouldnt be the saga of the major tribes, the best series IMO.
Then Bulma was the first person, and together the very best for him. It has worked well coz its mystery in which it has taken place between the two. I think I could do an EP or two of them.

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